Our Objectives

In this challenge of sponsoring children the organization meets the following activities:

  1. To admit the charity qualified candidates for sponsorships as the charity funds may allow.
  2. To establish administrative structure from time to time as the charitable organization may deem necessary for the efficient performance of the organization and achievement of its objects.
  3. To provide for an atmosphere for the individual development of sound religious, moral, social, economic and self-consciousness values and humane attitudes and characteristics.
  4. To promote capacity building in the persons we support to attain education and the total development of their personality wherever possible.
  5. To enable or sponsor education institutions in the area to acquire education facilities required to realize effective teaching and learning process in the area of our operation.
  6. To encourage and invite volunteer teachers/instructors from overseas to come and help teaching our children in the areas which may be deemed necessary.
  7. To contribute to the creation and maintenance of communication among the various sections of society in matters of National concern.
  8. To organize and conduct conferences, seminars studies, workshops both local and international for the persons we support and the entire society as the need may be realized.
  9. To provide monies to the persons we support as the charity funds may allow.
  10. To acquire, take over or be invested with any and all property, moveable and immovable, monies in any form, choice in action, rights, privileges, duties, obligations or liabilities, existing or expected, held, enjoyed or carried on hitherto by the organization known as WIDE SMILES FOR ALL THROUGH EDUCATION or any committee or authority thereof.
  11. To publicize and protect the name, philosophy aspirations and general public image of the charity organization through the pursuit of the attainment of its objects and or otherwise throughout the world.
  12. To construct, put up or, arrange or otherwise acquire physical structures and other facilities required by the charity organization for fulfilling its objects.
  13. To campaign for and or accept endowments, donations, assistance in kind, including bequest, legacies for facilitating the charity organization to more successfully carry out its activities and develop further.
  14. To establish or promote the establishment of a trust fund of the charity organization for the purpose of raising and administering funds for the achievement of the objects of the charity organization.
  15. To invest and deal with the monies of the charity organization, wherever it may be kept, not immediately required, upon such securities and in such a manner as the charity organization may from time to decide in accordance with relevant principles and the obtaining circumstances.
  16. To borrow or raise money for the benefit of the charity organization on such terms as may be determined and agreed by the charity organization.
  17. To establish, manage or oversee the management of commercial projects or enterprises or enter into business arrangements with deserving enterprises for the purposes of enabling the charity organization to efficiently conduct its activities under these objects.
  18. To own, possess or otherwise hold land or any interest therein and dispose of or deal with the same in any legitimate way including mortgaging, leasing or charging or otherwise developing or utilizing the same.
  19. To sponsor, subside or recommend research or special project assignment or undertakings, including academic or professional competitions by the persons we sponsor.
  20. To enter into any arrangements with any government, authorities (Supreme, Municipal, Local or international) or any other organization, corporation or individual persons as may be deemed conducive to the achievement of the objects of the charitable organization.
  21. To remunerate persons, which expression includes legal persons, for any service legitimately and completely rendered to the charitable organization from time to time, the remuneration being in cash or kind.
  22. To collaborate or partner with individuals, clubs or any other organizations both within and outside Uganda to provide access to good water for the people in the communities we serve.
  23. To do all such as things as may be deemed to be incidental or conducive, in the discretion of the charitable organization, to the achievement of the above objects or any of them.
  24. Minimize the level of school dropouts.
  25. Stop child abuse most especially to the girls and Orphans such as (Forced and early marriages).
  26. To increase on the number of graduates in the community most especially in Gomba District who would work for the development of their community that has largely remained behind for such a long period of time.